Déan do Thástáil Teoirice ADI ag Ionad Tástála

Teagascóir Tiomána Faofa:
Ionad Tástála Áitiúil


Approved Driving Instructor - Local Test Centre

Má theastaíonn cúnamh uait (ISL, Tacaíocht Disléicse srl) nó roghanna saoráidí teanga féach ar ár suíomh le do thoil Cúnamh/Tacaíocht Lá na Tástála .

Déan do Thástáil a Sceidealú

We advise you use the same ID to create your booking as the one you present at the Test centre, to avoid any inconsistencies with names across different IDs.

If you need to make the following changes on the day of your test you will be required to pay a €15 fee over the phone:

  • Full first name, full last name, full first and last name change.
  • Changes to a name over three characters, inclusive of first and last name

Nuair a bheidh na céimeanna go léir thíos léite agat, féadfaidh tú do thástáil a chur in áirithe in ionad Tástála atá áitiúil duit.

Please indicate which form of ID you will use for booking and will present at the Test centre.
Glacaimid le ceann de na foirmeacha aitheantais a leanas (Cóip chrua amháin - níl fótachóip/pictiúir aitheantais inghlactha):

Your PPSN must be correct and registered to you

Your Name and Date of Birth must be correct and as per the ID you present with

An gceadaíonn tú bailiú, próiseáil, úsáid agus stóráil do Shonraí agus d'Fhaisnéis Phearsanta?

Clicking the button below will transfer you to the separate booking site - please wait while this loads fully.